Alphabet Trivia | Letter “S” – Part 2

More letter “S” trivia questions and answers.

All answers start with “S”

Every letter of the alphabet brings an exciting round of trivia questions and answers. From A-Z, each letter unlocks a unique set of intriguing facts and fun challenges. How many letters can you conquer? In this round we tackle letter S trivia answers.

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What is the name of the nation in the Horne of Africa?


Starting with S, what non-metal is a major component of glass?

Silica sand

Silica sand is a type of sand that primarily consists of silica (silicon dioxide). It is known for its high silica content, usually above 95%, and is valued for its purity and uniform grain size.

What is the nickname of serial killer David Berkowitz?

Son of Sam

What was the name of the original Beatles member who died young of a brain tumour?

Stuart Sutcliffe

What four letter word refers to a class of medieval laborers bound or transferred with land?


What word (11 letters) is the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident?


What organization has Blood and Fire as its motto?

The Salvation Army

Norma Desmond is the name of the lead character in which stage musical?

Sunset Boulevard

What cartoon character lives in an underwater pineapple in Bikini Bottom?

Sponge Bob Square Pants

During prohibition, what name was given to establishments that illegally sold alcohol?

Speak Easy

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