Alphabet Trivia | Letter “T” – Part 2

More trivia answers starting with T.

Every letter of the alphabet brings an exciting round of trivia questions and answers. From A-Z, each letter unlocks a unique set of intriguing facts and fun challenges. How many letters can you conquer? In this round we tackle letter T trivia answers.

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Horatio Nelson was fatally wounded at what battle in the 1880s?

The Battle of Trafalgar

What is the study of the structural features of the earth's crust called?


What is the name of the country, one part of the USSR, that is bordered by China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan?


What east African country's capital is Dodoma?


What is the capital of Florida, USA?


What is the first name of rapper Shakur?


What is a Filipino language starting with T?


What is the name of the ethnic group of Sri Lanka and Southern India?


What is the term applied to any state whose Government is devoted to the achievement of religious ends?


What is the branch of theoretical mechanics concerned with the transformation of motion into heat (and visa versa)?


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