Random Trivia | Part 4

More general information and random trivia questions and answers.

In this random trivia quiz  and general information category, you’ll find an assortment of random trivia questions that span a wide range of topics.  Whether you’re a history buff, a science whiz, a pop culture fanatic, or just someone who loves a good challenge, you’ll find a little bit of everything to keep your mind engaged and entertained. Test your knowledge on random facts and intriguing information.  Happy quizzing!

Instructions: Click or tap the + to show the answer. Re-clicking / tapping will hide the answer. 

Photophobia is the fear of what?


What animal can survive longer than a camel without water?


In the Middle Ages, what spice was used for bartering and was more valuable than gold?


Who was the creator of CNN, the first 24 hour cable news network?


Originating in Ancient Egypt, what common accessory was only used by the royal family and nobility as a symbol of rank?


Early Greeks and Romans used what dried fruit for helmets?


What is the area called aound the Pacific Plate techtonic plates where 90% of the world's earthquakes and 70% of the world's volcanoes are located?


How do you say goodbye in French?


What is a one-eyed giant called?


What colour are the $1 bills in a standard game of Monopoly?


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