Test your knowledge of countries and cultures with these geography trivia quizzes. We explore a wide range of topics including continents, capital cities, natural wonders and significant landmarks. Buckle up and let’s take a trip around the world from the comfort of our living room.
Instructions: Click or tap the + to show the answer. Re-clicking / tapping will hide the answer.
What became the 50th state of the USA?
What canal connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
What is the emptiest country with only about two people for every square kilometre?
What are the white-sailed river boats in Egypt called?
If you were visiting Virunga National Park, what primate would you be hoping to see?
What is the world's second largest country?
What four countries make up North Africa?
What is the second longest river in the world?
What is the name of the large snowy region in the far north of Norway, Sweden and Finland and is home to the Sami people, many of whom keep reindeer and ride around in sleighs?
What country is known as the Emerald Isle because the rain makes it green?
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